Abby is a senior Pitt student set to graduate in 2025 having studied Biology, with a minor in chemistry, Slovak studies and a certificate in sustainability. She is from the North Hills area just outside of Pittsburgh.
Abby grew up very active in church while she was growing up. Recalling her involvement, she said,“Elementary school. High school. A lot of volunteering, I was used to being in a church setting. Then Covid hit, and we kind of stopped going to church because everyone in my family has an auto-immune disorder. So it was a big ‘No!’ on big congregational events. We watched church on tv and things like that.” The pandemic then left her a bit disconnected as she moved into college.
Then in her sophomore year, she was in the Nationality Rooms Gift Shop, where one can often find her leading tours in the Nationality Rooms as a Quo Vadis tour guide. “I was talking about keeping Lent. I was going to be fasting on Fridays and I mentioned that maybe I would go to a fish fry or something, in true Pittsburgh fashion.” Then Grace, another student at the campus ministry who didn’t know Abby all that well yet, became very excited. Abby says, “Grace got super excited and asked, “Do you want to go to my church group?’” Abby was a bit hesitant, but she said, “I remembered the group’s table at the activity fair the year before, when they were handing out succulents. I immediately knew which group it was and I decided to go one Thursday and I didn’t stop going.”
Abby has indeed remained faithful in her attendance at Thursday night meals and GodTalk, and now serving at the monthly service trip, helping at a local congregation’s food pantry. “A lot of the way I grew closer to God growing up was through all of the service stuff we did. I pretty much volunteered for every service event they had. I enjoyed bringing smiles to people’s faces. I love that the campus ministry has so many volunteer opportunities as well. It is inspiring to see everyone gung ho about volunteering, especially at the food pantry.”
Coming into the community that gathers there every week has had a great impact on her time at Pitt. Not only is Grace, the person who first invited her, now her roommate, but she says, “I have a number of friends now who share the same mindset, and we can get together for things like crocheting and movie nights.”
Abby continues, “The campus ministry on the religious side has given me community, but with the meals and relationships, GodTalk is an easy way to do a bible study making it a more relaxing atmosphere. I feel really happy to be there instead of just feeling like ‘Ugh, we’re going to bible study again this week, because it’s what’s expected.’ Instead I’m excited about the topics.” Abby particularly liked a study of women in the genealogy of Matthew’s gospel because these women didn’t seem to get much attention. Abby is planning on continuing on by becoming a biology teacher through Pitt’s master’s program in teaching. She is deeply interested in the environment and sustainability because everything is deeply intertwined. Abby’s presence at the campus ministry also shows the way relationships connect us in life and faith. Thankfully the Lutheran Campus Ministry in Greater Pittsburgh is there to foster that spirit in community.